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Product Description 

Fibertex-650 SPI (Sectional Pipe Insulation) consists of fine fibres spun from molten natural rock resin-bonded preformed into pipe cover. The sections are moulded to ensure a firm fit around the pipe and the outer surface is ground to ensure the precision of insulation thickness and a smooth, even surface. 


Fibertex-650 SPI is a heavy duty pipe insulation for hot-faced temperature up to 650 oC, and supplied as one-piece section of convenient length. Each section is split and hinged for easy, snap-on application by opening the slit and springing it in position as pipe cover. 



Fibertex-650 SPI is suitable for both hot and cold piping to maintain process temperatures, provide personal protection, prevent condensation and reduce noise transmission. It can also be used in central-heating and air-conditioning systems. 


Fibertex-650 SPI should be retained by wire mesh or metel bands as per manufacturers instructions and protected by metal cladding, mastic or other coating. Detailed installations are available from CSR offices. 


Nominal Density 

120, 150 kg/m 3 (7 , 9 3/8 lb/ft 3)


Maximum Service Temperature 

Recommended operating temperature up to 650 C (1202 F) Capability of handling intermittent temperature up to 1000 C (1832 F) 


Fusion Temperature 

Fusion temperature or Melting point of rockwool at 1350 C (2462 F) 


Thermal Conductivity

0.034 W/mK at 20 C mean temperature 

(0.235 BTU in/ft 2h F at 68 F) 


Thermal conductivity of Fibertex-650 SPI varies with the mean temperature as shown in graph according to BS 874-1973. 


Insulation performance requirements may be specified in many different ways such as Thermal conductivity, Thermal resistance, Process temperature, Allowable surface temperature or Heat loss. 


CSR Application Engineers will provide technical services and more details to meet any specification. 


Factory Applied Facings 

Fibertex-650 SPI is available to order without facing or with wide ranges of factory applied facings such as aluminium foil, calico, reinforced foil laminate (vapor seal). 


Other facings are available to order but may be subject to minimum order quantity. 


Fire Performance

Fibertex-650 SPI achieves four zero Early Fire Hazard Indices when tested in accordance with AS 1530:Part 3-1976 (same as BS 476 : Part 5, 6, 7-1967) for non-combustible material.


Moisture Resistance 

Exposure to an atmosphere of 50 oC and 95% relative humidity for 96 hours results in moisture absorption of less than 0.2% by volume. Should insulation become wet, full thermal efficiency will be restored on drying out. 


Water repellent grade according to BS 2792 section 12 is available to order. 


Corrosion Resistance 

Fibertex-650 SPI is faintly alkaline and is incapable of corroding steel, copper, or aluminium. To maintain this condition, protection must be provided against contamination from external sources. When tested in accordance with BS 3958 : Part 5-1969, results in range of pH 7.5 8.0. Fibertex-650 SPI contains less than 15ppm soluble chlorides. For critical applications involving austenitic stainless steel, a low chloride formulation is available to order which is less than 6ppm.

Rockwool Fibertex

ใยหิน / Rockwool (ROXUL) 

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